The Stick Whippers

As long as Erin and I have been together we've shared a passion for coming up with new band names.

They come at the funniest times.

A discussion on a news story about an airplane: "Hey, The Nose Cones. That'd be an awesome band name."

Some of my other favourites: The Elderly, The Decoys.

Erin is especially good at it. We often debate the grammar of a truly rockin' name. Like whether the "The" is necessary in any given name. The jury is still out on whether it should be The Nose Cone, or The Nose Cones.

The former seems like a pretentious art-rock band. The latter, just kinda silly.

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised to discover 3-year old Henry has been taking all of this in.

The other morning before getting up for the day, he and his mum were cuddling in bed. He was giggling about having a "breast pillow."

"The Pillowy Breasts," he announced. "That be a great band name."

I nearly died.

Yesterday evening we took a walk around the park down the street. He was having fun chucking sticks into the lake.

"The Stick Whippers. That'd be a great band name."

The boy is a rock-marketing genius.

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