Don's great idea

On my walk to work this morning, I started thinking about a comment The Book of Don wrote about this blog post . So, after consulting with my boss, here's the all-staff e-mail I sent out today:

O yea! O yea! I do call the Cape Breton Chapter of the Order of Good Cheer to.. order. You are hereby inducted as a member in good standing.

Whereas, winter sucks; and

Whereas, it is currently winter; and

Whereas, the provincial government doesn't see fit to give us a day off during the greyest, suckiest glut of holiday-less time of the year; and

Whereas, Samuel de Champlain set precedence by raising the morale, spirits and survival rate of his merry band at Porte Royale over the winter of 1606/07 by creating a social/dinner club called the Order of Good Cheer; and

Whereas, Zeppelin Rules!

Be it therefore resolved by the assembled members of the CB Chapter of the Order of Good Cheer that we take an extended lunch on Friday, February the 8th to have a little fun. A little Bar-B-Q, a little potluck, a little drink, followed by a good-old game of street hockey in the parking lot. The spirit of winter will be killed by our festive attitudes, summer-inspired attire and general merriment.

Adopted this 28th Day of January, 2008. Royal Ascent granted by [insert my boss' name here] on the same date.

Details to follow. Interested?

I'll let you know how it turns out.

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