Updated: Nachips Butt Soap

*see end of post for update

Henry and I were halfway through our grocery trip when I found the most peculiar item on our shopping list: Nachips Butt Soap.

"Is Nachips a brand of butt soap?" thought I. "Does Erin use butt soap? Is there such a thing as butt soap?"

Following Erin's shopping lists is an adventure at the best of times. She's fond of creative short forms. I remember one time spending several minutes staring at the word bloobs. Did you figure out she meant blueberries? I did, only after noticing their proximity on the list to strawbs.

Here's your assignment: Leave your interpretation of Nachips Butt Soap in the comments. Extra points if you can come up with a good marketing slogan (ex. "Mr Nachips, you make GOOD butt soap").

Update: It was actually two items written serendipitously close to each other. Nachips, as many guessed, was nacho chips. Butt Soap was soap to scrub Al's cloth diapers with. I actually cracked the code in the middle of the produce aisle.


just us said...

My interpretation is "salsa". Dipping the end of a a Nacho chips. If that's correct, I get a bag of the best, right? I'll share them with Erin, of course. But not words, words. I hear there is some baby fat to burn first.

wordswords said...

Not salsa.

I'm starting to notice you hang around these parts only to insult me. How is that justus?

(he types as he checks to see if he truly has baby fat)

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking nacho chips, butter and soap.

As for a slogan, how about:

Other butt soaps are sticky and filmy. But Nachips Butt Soap (TM) is anything butt!

I had some others but they were even dumber. So I'll stop now.

movita said...

Maybe she can't spell anymore (hormones). Maybe it's not a specific item, but rather a directive.

no chips, but soap

Or maybe she was saying:
"Don't buy nachos, you huge hunk of butt soap."

Obviously, nachips are a new term she's coined for nachos. They're LIKE chips, but na quite.