Family Friendly

Meep. Meep...

I am in line at the grocery store, after picking up a few items over my lunch. I look up and see I have chosen the Family Friendly Lane.

Me: So, the is the Family Friendly Lane one that you volunteer for, or are you assigned?

Cashier: Well....(long pause) ...assigned. 

Meep. Meep...


Craig Wesley said...

Me, I'm always looking for a Curmudgeon-friendly lane, thus far to no avail.

One day, we shall rise up!

Rise up, and bellyache about it.

wordswords said...

I might recommend the Family Friendly Lane.

auntie said...

I'm trying to imagine what might distinguish this line--other than the coerced cashier?

wordswords said...

I realized after the fact the the Family Friendly Lane means they can lump all the people with noisy kids into one lane so that other people can live their lives without being bothered by children. More of a warning to non-parents than a beacon to parents. Passive-aggressive signage, maybe.