From Away (EDITED)

If you've a moment, why not take a listen to a radio documentary I made for CBC Radio's Maritime Magazine? It's called "Islanders By Choice", and it's about the experiences of people who move to PEI (or anywhere in the Maritimes, really), from Away.

Go get it here.  (EDIT: Whoopsie. How'd that Carpenter's song get in there? Here is the real link.)

If you like any part of it, credit goes to producer Christina Harnett.


Jordan said...

As both an islander AND a CFA (very, very far away in fact), I found it really interesting.

And thank you so much for sending us to the Carpenters and not Rick Astley.

RKN said...

Loved this. I grew up in Nova Scotia and so much of this rings true for my childhood - every friend my brothers, sister and I would bring home with us was routinely drilled with the "Who is your father?" questions from our parents. This view on that line of questioning and the ever present CFA label is perspective changing...

Lori said...

Coming to the party late...
Heard your article this week on CBC: you perfectly captured the feelings of IBCs. I've lived on the Island for all but six of my 45 years (the year after I was born and junior and senior high) but I never feel I'm truly accepted, no matter how much my Island-born husband tells me it's all my imagination. Thanks for a great article.
Now, who did you say your father was 'cause I think he might be related to my husband's aunt-by-marriage....