Broken army guys

(click the comic to see it full size)

I want to start a new comic called Broken Army Guys in which these fellows sit around and talk about feelings.


Auntie said...

It has occurred to me that a cartoonist is very like a poet. Both have an enhanced eye for the little--but grand-- messages in ordinary life.

Actually, not "like" at all. Love your poetry.

wordswords said...

That is lovely, Auntie. Thank you. I know not everyone has been entirely happy with the change in story-telling format on this blog, but I've hoped that people would notice the stories come from the same place.

I think I'm just lucky that truth is usually funny.

Misty said...

The stories are the same. The way you draw them adds something words didn't. I love your cartoons.

wordswords said...

So many nice people today! You both can stay.

Craig Wesley said...

If only *all* armies were broken...

Peace, David.

Decadent Housewife said...

Go Lorraine!