That's what she said (but with emphasis on the verbs)

Erin and I sit on the couch, the baby sleeping in her lap. The end credits of the movie we just watched roll up the TV screen.

Erin: I can't believe we watched a whole movie.

Me: (almost asleep) Mm.

Erin: This is nice.

Me: This is nice.

Erin: (looking down at the sleeping baby in her lap) She's good stuff.

Me: She is good stuff.

Erin: (resting her head back, a contented grin on her face) They're all good stuff.

Me: They are all good stuff.

She pauses a moment.

Erin: You're not capable of independent thought past ten o'clock at night, are you?

Me: I'm not capable of independent thought past ten o'clock at night.

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