Bluenoser in Leamington

This story features my dad in Leamington, Ontario.

It is a rainy morning. It has rained for days. The forecast predicts nothing but more rain. Still, he's walking to work.

It's just a 15 minute stroll from his house to his office. Not a big deal on any other day. But it is wet. It is cold.

He rounds a corner. A boy is walking toward him. He looks to be about nine.

Dad: Well, are you wet yet?

The boy looks undeterred by the weather. He puffs up his chest.

Boy: I'm from Nova Scotia.


Misty said...

'atta boy. :)

movita beaucoup said...

That's right brotha! (Rain, by the way, is partially responsible for my development of Super Speed Mode.)

Jordan said...

Nova Scotia represent!